Every year at this time, I sit down at my desk and write up a long list of goals; everything from lose five pounds to learn how to speak French. Today I walked into the room where I write and caught something from the corner of my eye.
Hanging on the wall, was my personal mission statement. I wrote it two years ago. It’s hung there all this time and for whatever reason, jumped out at me today.
So simple
So meaningful.
No number of goals could hold a candle to the soul of what I had created and written. There is only one goal and that is to live my purpose. I believe there is a point to our life, a theme and if celebrated, could extend out and maybe even in a small way change the world.
We must remember who we are and that we were born to enjoy the fruits of this wonderful life. This year I will give myself everything I want and that is only two things. I will spend more time with my Grandson and I will finish the book I’ve been writing for much too long
The Mission Statement I wrote goes as follows:
To leave a rich legacy of poetry,
love and compassion for my family –
through writing and time spent with them.
Give yourself the gift of who you are and live the life of your dreams, it is after all, our true inheritance.